Pain Management

Hypnotherapy and pain relief management can help to break the direct link between the physical sensation of pain and the way it is perceived in the brain. In other words hypnosis will not stop the pain but help you to experience it differently. Chronic pain can lead to stress and anxiety and can make pain feel worse, hypnotherapy and pain relief management can help to remove anxiety and therefore tension and alleviate associated stress.


Hypnotherapy and pain relief management can help you:

  • Change your perception of pain

  • Break the pain cycle

  • Have coping mechanisms to deal with pain

  • Take back control and feel positive for the future

  • Feel confident that you can easily deal with anything, any situation and anybody

  • Have a more positive outlook on life

How can hypnotherapy and pain relief management help?

Hypnosis will quieten and somewhat close down your conscious mind, so you are less aware of your thoughts and distractions and enable you to relax. During this trance-like state, positive suggestions are easily absorbed by your subconscious mind. The suggestion that after the hypnosis session your perception of your pain will change, so it will be less noticeable and more manageable, this then becomes your reality. As this study explains hypnotherapy for pain relief management as well as giving post-hypnotic suggestions; it can also help you to distract your mind and focus on a positive visualisation, such as a forest, a waterfall or the sea, helping your imagination to work for you. Learning self-hypnosis can help as an additional coping mechanism for pain between sessions and after treatment has finished. 

Hypnotherapy and pain relief management reduces the fear and anxiety associated with chronic pain and so reduces tension. How we perceive our pain has a strong impact on pain management, fear can result in us avoiding situations that we think will make our pain worse, this is called ‘fear avoidance’, and eventually this can actually make symptoms worse. Negative emotions and perceptions of pain such as ‘hyper vigilance’; heightened awareness of pain and ‘pain catastrophising’; excessively worrying about pain, trains our brain to focus on the pain, perpetuating the pain messages and reinforces the pain cycle and only serves to make the pain worse. Hypnotherapy can remove these negative emotions, reduce fear and pain and generally improve quality of life. 

Julia is friendly, kind and understanding. She taught me that her approach was not to pretend the pain wasn’t there, but to address it. She taught me ways I can manage my pain and reduce it and for that I am forever grateful.
— K. C. from Coney Hall
I have on-going back pain, I felt like I’d been in pain for so long I had forgotten what it was like to not be in pain. Hypnotherapy with Julia helped me to reduce the pain and learn techniques to cope with it. I also learned self-hypnosis which I practice regularly, it’s a great help. Thanks Julia.
— J. K. from Croydon

Frequently Asked Questions:

+ Does hypnotherapy and pain relief management work?

It has been proven and is now more widely accepted that hypnotherapy can change the perception of pain and reduce the level of pain experienced with cues and post-hypnotic suggestions, as this in depth study shows. The majority of people are suggestible enough to be induced into hypnosis, even a light level of relaxation allows positive suggestions to be absorbed; so most people find it helps with pain management. The medical profession are increasingly recommending hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis as they recognise the strong link between mind and body.

+ Why choose Changes Hypnotherapy for pain management?

I have successfully helped many clients with hypnotherapy and pain relief management. During the first appointment I will complete an initial consultation to find out the details of your chronic pain, for example: when did it start, what makes it worse and what medication you’re taking? I will take into account your personal circumstances and background so I understand what your pain is like for you and then personalise your treatment. If it is suitable for you, I will work with ‘hypnoanalgesia’ by giving you suggestions during hypnosis that you have reduced pain or be free of pain. This in depth study explains hypnoanagesia.

We may work together on a positive visualisation, so you can see yourself in your mind tackling situations that have previously brought on pain or that you found difficult. This can change feelings of ‘expecting pain’ and worry to feeling empowered and confident, giving you back control, breaking the pain cycle.

I can train your subconscious mind to remember a pleasant memory or experience and ‘switch on’ the feelings associated with it, by using a simple trigger (like holding you thumb and finger together). This can be practiced so you can use it whenever pain is strong and it will take you to that memory as if you are there. I can also teach you self-hypnosis which you can practice daily until you can use it easily for pain management. See testimonials.

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